Getting Clear About What You Want

Who knew there were so many deep lessons to be learned from your favourite brunch spot? This episode is a loving call for you to get specific about what you want – and what you are offering. Danette invites you to imagine what might be possible…if you practice naming your wildest desires.

Book Mentioned:
Unbound: A Woman’s Guide to Power by Kasia Urbaniak

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the art of self marriage

the soft shoulder podcast

Move at a Loving Pace

Personal growth enthusiasts love to tweak things and find the right path forward. But sometimes the path is…just not feeling good. Maybe it’s not about the path itself, but the pace at which you are travelling?

In this episode, Danette gets a little breathy talking about massages and helps you explore the expansive options available to you as you learn to identify your own loving – and sustainable – pace.

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The Thrill of Hiring a Coach

Ever thought about hiring a coach? Do you think you need to “get ready” for it first? What if you don’t think you have any coach-worthy goals? Why would someone want to hire a coach if they could just talk to their friends for free? And do you really need some other person to give you permission to do what you want to do?

In this episode Danette clears up some myths about why and when you might hire a coach, why some transformation isn’t Instagram friendly, and illuminates conditions you might be putting on yourself before believing you can be someone who hires this kind of badass support.

the art of self marriage
the soft shoulder podcast

Who Do You Want to Try On?

Even Self Marriages need to spice things up from time to time. How about a little role play? In this episode, Danette asks a lot of questions to spark your imagination for some safe, low-stakes experimentation.  

the art of self marriage
the soft shoulder podcast

Letting Go of Past Selves

It’s inevitable that as you grow, parts of you will be let go of. Some by choice, some by change.

In this episode, Danette explores the nuances of this experience and gives permission to welcome and release your many selves with the emotion that feels most true to heart.

But not before she nerds out on why you might surprise yourself by not choosing the darling of popular self care (a bubble bath) and going for a shower instead.

The Guest House by Rumi

Time to Realign

Wait, what? Can’t remember what you were “supposed” to be doing? Deep into a project and then…you feel kinda lost? This is your pep talk about regrouping, redefining, realigning – and why it is not just something you do when you’ve gone “off track”. In fact, making reassessing part of your practice is its own gentle power.

the art of self marriage
the soft shoulder podcast

Reclaim Your Marriage Baggage

What if you think marriage is bullshit? Or a huge letdown? Or undeniably anti-feminist? What if you love the idea of loving yourself forever but the word marriage is just….ew?

In this episode Danette makes a case for reclaiming the idea of marriage, including the role it has played in the success of her 20 years of commitment to herself, and offers a prompt to help you find the gift you might need most from yourself.

You Have the Key

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is notice how easy it could be. And sometimes we do need some help to access our own strength. It’s not a willpower problem. Listen in to be reminded that you have everything you need right where you are.

Want to take a workshop with Danette to help you lock this in?

If you’re listening before August 4th 2021,

Self Love Matchmaking is a one hour writing based workshop over Zoom.

Check it out here:

the art of self marriage

the soft shoulder podcast