Fully Realized You

Have your self-visualization tools lost their spark? Were you a perky little personal growth nerd once and now feel a little….stale? What does it mean to be a fully realized you? What is the difference between a dreamy future self and an unattainable desire of “perfection”? What does self marriage have to offer in this?

You’ll want to listen to this episode where Danette takes a performance by Trixie Mattel, a mushroom trip by Michael Pollan and a comment by a stranger named Gary to help put some spring in your self-image step.

Self Marriage as a Container

Of course you can love yourself without ever marrying yourself. Lots of people love their partners and sometimes spend decades in a committed relationship without ever saying “I do”. So how might self marriage serve you?

In this episode Danette shares the 5 ways in which self marriage serves you as a container for your relationship with yourself – and how that can also inspire some interesting changes in your relationships (and marriages) to other people.

What does her terrible cooking have to do with any of this? Listen and find out.

Morning Routine Misery

It’s the life hack you swear by or swear at. This one is for those of us who want to know the support of a morning routine and are currently struggling with other more pressing self care that seems to be in opposition to us getting up at 5am for a power hour. Do you know the misery of judging yourself for “wasting the day”? How can you have a morning routine if you are sleeping past noon?

 In this episode, Danette offers a new name for your morning routine so you can build trust and support yourself no matter what time you wake up.

Your Paint-by-Numbers Heart

Just like art, your heart healing is something that you create in your own way. But what about guides, support and how-to’s from others? What are we learning about art, when we follow a paint-by-numbers masterpiece? What do we learn about our own healing when we follow the steps to someone else’s healing?

In this episode, Danette offers an empowering way to look at this. Remember: You do not have a paint-by-numbers heart. But following one can be helpful to build muscle until it’s time to go off on our own.


Other People’s Boundaries

So you’ve been doing lots of work on setting boundaries and upholding them. You’re getting better at it all the time. Wonderful! And…how are you when other people set boundaries? Do you respond in the way you most wish people would respond to yours?

How is self love work related to honouring other people’s boundaries? This episode is about helping others help you to treat them better.

Also – a gentle reminder for those of you who may have been hard on yourself for not upholding your own boundaries in situations where there are power dynamics at play.

Resources mentioned:

  • Unfuck Your Boundaries: Build Better Relationships Through Consent, Communication and Expressing Your Needs by Faith G. Harper
  • The Courage to Trust by Cynthia L. Wall, LCSW
  • The Narcissism Recovery Center & the work of April Dawn Harter, LCSW (www.narcissismrecoverycenter.com)

Thinking about a Social Media Sabbatical?

Don’t jump in without setting yourself up for success – contemplation is the first step towards making successful, sustainable change. In this episode, Danette shares her experience so far in leaving Instagram in 2021, and walks you through some thoughtful perspectives to help you choose if a social media break is something you even want in the first place.

Books Mentioned:

  • Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
  • Deep Work by Cal Newport
  • The Joy of Missing Out by Christina Crook
  • Essentialism by Greg McKeown

TEDx Talks:

  • You Can Be a Minimalist. Yes, YOU! By Christine Platt
  • Quit Social Media by Dr. Cal Newport

Imaginary Gift Exchanges

What if you agreed to exchange gifts without spending a dime or lifting a finger? What if you could give the most extraordinary gift without worrying about waste or getting it wrong or participating in unethical consumption? What would you love to give if you could give anything?

If it’s the thought that counts, dream BIG.

In this episode, Danette confesses why the gift she gave her parents was terrible, explores the idea of fostering gifts and invites you to consider a playful way of showing affection and nourishing dreams.

Announcing the Self Love Colouring Club

You lovely podcast listeners hear it first. Listen to Danette nerd out hard on why colouring is an amazing self-care practice, why you might not be colouring even though you want to, and how art is simply making a series of choices.

Self Love Colouring Club is open for registration at radicalcreativesanctuary.com/selflovecolouringclub.

American listeners: don’t forget to put the YOU in colouring! (Canadian spelling). I look forward to colouring with you.

Self-Sabotage for Clever People

Lions + Tigers + Gremlins – oh my! Whether you call them your inner critics, inner haters, limiting beliefs, non-productive paradigms, we all have them. When you begin doing personal growth work you discover them pretty quickly. Then you know how you get stuck and so you just stop getting in your own way forever and ever! Kidding. These inner armies are magical masters of disguise. They have to be! Once you know them, they lose power.

In this episode Danette shares her most sneaky inner distractor and how you can diffuse the power of your own shape shifting inner critics.

Baby Steps are Badass

If you resist taking baby steps towards a goal, listen in. Do you feel like baby steps are easy, boring or lazy? Are they unsatisfying and almost patronizing? Do you crave the glory of the giant leap and think baby steps are for losers? In this episode Danette offers 3 insights that will change the way you see baby steps forever.

And nothing against babies, but why do they get all the praise and encouragement? Also, why do we not count our chickens before they’ve hatched? This is the episode to listen to if you need reminding that you are a life-long miracle.