Forgetting as a Beautiful Thing

A part of you knows you are amazing. Why is it so hard to remember sometimes? There must be something wrong with you, right? Nope! What if all this remembering and forgetting is by design – to build exactly the kind of strength you most need to be your most beautiful human self?

Choosing Meaningful Pain

If you are seeking a pain free path in life, it may not be a path at all. This episode is a gentle illumination of how your choices to avoid pain might just be favouring pain of a different kind. What is the meaningful pain of following your heart’s desire?

the art of self marriage
the soft shoulder podcast

Creative Shake Up

Even if you are full of doubt and think you don’t have anything to be creative with – Danette guides you through a creative activity you can do right now to rip up your old thoughts and open your mind to possibilities you hadn’t considered.

Colouring Club starts February 11th:

Art of Self Marriage:

You Are Adorable

Ever have a crush on someone and notice that you find their flaws adorable? When you look at someone through love goggles, you’ll find charm in their most annoying features. Well, love goggles are not just for new crushes. In fact, this practice of seeing yourself as adorable, especially when you are a mess, can be a fun and surprising path to habit change.

Tarot for Self Love Rebels:

Boundaries and Power

Think you’re bad at boundaries? Beating yourself up over it? Feeling stuck and frustrated? You may be missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. This episode is the pep talk you need if you’re feeling weak and confused in a relationship where your boundaries seem to be for decoration only.

Tarot for Self Love Rebels Workshop:

Coaching with Danette:

Book recommendation: Unfuck Your Boundaries by Faith G. Harper

the art of self marriage

the soft shoulder podcast

More Sketchbook, Less Masterpiece

Isn’t it amazing how we can take things that are good for us and somehow turn them against us? In this episode, Danette revisits the Artist Mindset and the potential snags of perfectionism that could sneak in.

The Tarot for Self Love Rebels workshop is coming up on January 28th.

Read more + sign up at