The Joy of Re-naming Colours

Ever had a dozen paint chips taped to your wall while you make that very important decision? Ever stand frozen in the cosmetics aisle choosing between Teal Me A Secret and Peacock Don’t Stop? Not everyone cares about these things but you do. What if you love the colour but hate the name?

This episode is a creative pep talk for colour nerds, language nerds, and anyone who wants a little enthusiastic spark for looking at ordinary household things in a new way.

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Too Many New Year Rituals?

New Year or not, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing. Do you find yourself trying to find the “right” way to reflect and set intentions for the year ahead? Or feeling like you don’t have enough energy to honour the New Year traditions you have enjoyed in the past?

In this episode, Danette meets you in the place of ritual fatigue. Sometimes what you need is to lean back and listen while you find your rhythm amongst the change.

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Dating Lessons from Board Games

Metaphors galore in this one! Are you currently dating, or reflecting upon your dating patterns? How present is your own self love, when it comes to the game of dating? In this episode, Danette playfully asks you some powerful questions to consider using inspiration from 3 classic board games.

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Witnessing Yourself with Love

To love yourself, you must know yourself. That means witnessing is often the first step towards self love. But so many of us don’t realize we are taking on the role of “judge” instead of “witness”. What would it be like to pay attention, without judging? Especially in those times where we are struggling to cope, and engaging in habits we wouldn’t like to have witnessed by anyone we know. In this episode, Danette shares a personal experience from her own life – how self love helped her through it, and how it can help you too.

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Your Life is Worthy of This – a workshop announcement!

It’s the Birthday Letter Ritual. You’ve heard about it before on the podcast. You may have even started your own letter writing practice. For the first time, Danette will be offering a live workshop to guide you in getting started on (or back into) your own collection of letters to celebrate a lifetime. It is a surprisingly deep, fun and powerful practice. Prepare to get inspired.

Don’t miss the first live Birthday Letter workshop –

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Personality Types, Self Love and You

What if you found out you really weren’t a Virgo after all? Or if you got to choose your own adventure on the Enneagram? Have you ever found yourself seeking guidance from a system more often than from yourself? If you are into self-awareness, personality tests can be fun and illuminating. In this episode Danette shares a helpful way to enjoy personality-based systems while still being true to a self-loving you.

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Before You Blow Everything Up

Ask yourself this powerful question Danette heard in a movie. And don’t worry about whether or not the movie was any good – because the question is fantastic and could save you a lot of heartache.

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How ARE You Gonna Love Anybody Else?

How ARE You Gonna Love Anybody Else?

If you don’t love yourself, that is. We are supposed to assume it’s a rhetorical question…but what if you tried to answer it? In this episode Danette illuminates how a distracting debate might be taking us further away from the love we seek. Let’s be self lovers, not fighters.

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Colour with Me

The Self Love Colouring Club is back and more wonderful than ever. In this episode, Danette nerds out on the soothing delights of chilled-out colouring and makes herself laugh, as usual. Come for the invitation to colour, stay for the Karate Kid references and loving reframe of what it means to “go through the motions”. Spoiler alert: it can be a beautiful thing.

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