Life as a Victory Lap

It begins with a song lyric by Ani DiFranco and opens into some big landscape-shifting questions. What happens when we suddenly know the story we thought we were living has changed direction? Have you ever received news that made your regular day seem surreal? Often this experience is triggered by events that are out of our control, illuminating what is most meaningful and urgent to our hearts. What if you pretended a landscape- shifting event is happening right now? The clarity is yours for the imagining.

Cloud Blood by Ani DiFranco:

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A Clear Desk is a Work of Art

So is a messy desk. We often make a mess when we make art. But this is about the particular, underappreciated creative act of making S P A C E. For any of you who need a soothing voice to listen to while you clear off your counters, tidy your desktop and wipe the slate clean. It can start with a desk or a drawer. Making space can make room for so much more of YOU.

All things Yarrow Magdalena:

Yarrow’s interview with Danette on the Creative Nature podcast:

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Dream Partner or Dream Relationship?

When you’re dating, people often ask what you are looking for in a partner. Is this the best question to be asking? Have you ever met someone who “checks all the boxes” but…it doesn’t seem to be working? Or how about being surprised by a fulfilling connection with someone who somehow doesn’t check many (or any!) of your boxes? If you enjoy the power of clarity in your dating journey, listen in for the questions that can change the way you hold the map.

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Dipping Back into the Waters of Dating

There is only so much preparation you can do without getting wet. Love is not something you can “get right” before diving in. And, most importantly, diving in is not the only way in. This episode is for you if you want to start dating and sharing intimacy with other people, but are afraid to take the plunge. Maybe the loving pace for you is another way back into the dating pool.

Book shout-out: No One Belongs Here More Than You. Stories by Miranda July

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Your Resume of Failed Relationships

Let’s first put some giant air quotes around the word “failed”. Do you look at the trail of relationships in your past and feel a little shamey? Like this is evidence of you not getting love right? Listen in for a pep talk on how making a resume of your relationship past can help you reframe your own personal love story.

Podcast shout-out to Pivot with Jenny Blake.

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Why Are You So Tired?

If you’ve been asking yourself this question lately, you’re not alone. Can you hear the hidden beliefs behind this question? The truth is, there are many good reasons why you might be tired. Also, you are not a robot. Curl on up over here and let Danette ease your mind – self love doesn’t need you to prove anything.

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Your Gifts are for Giving

Sometimes it really is too late. And “saving” your best gifts might be the sure way to destroy them before they ever get a chance. In this episode, Danette asks you a strange question that could unwrap the bow on a gift you most want to give.

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Musings on the Long Game of Self Love

Danette’s train of thought takes you on the scenic route of why she loves playing the long game of self love – and why you might love it too.

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If You Just Got Dumped – Listen to This.

Spoiler alert – you are still worth loving. And maybe you need to hear some kind words from someone who has been there…and even wrote a book about it.

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Worry is NOT a Love Language

How does it feel when someone worries about you? We often think that worry is a sign we care about something – but is it? Or is it just a really terrible fantasy? In this episode Danette explores why NOT worrying about someone when they are going through a big life heartbreak is a powerful way to show your love. And sometimes that someone is YOU.

Bonus Fun – hear how Danette used the power of song to tell her ex-partner when she was pissed off. A bizarre little resentment hack that might surprise you.

Books Mentioned:

Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliot

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Don’t miss the first live Birthday Letter workshop February 2nd –

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