Self Love Practice: Tidying Up + Curating Your Own Sanctuary

Have your belongings been creeping up to your ankles purring and asking you what you are doing with your life?

In this episode, you are invited to explore how you see your relationship with stuff, space and home. Danette shares her unexpected experience with The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, how the konmari method might be adapted of you are an artist, and suggests some powerful questions you can ask INSTEAD of “does this spark joy?”

Also included: some great tips on how to curate small spaces if you are a self-loving sensualist at heart.


What Comes First – Self Love or Self Marriage?

“first comes love, then comes marriage” was a line from a WEIRD little rhyme I learned growing up. But is this true? And what about when it comes to self love?

It seems to be a popular belief that self marriage is only for those who have reached some advanced level of self love. Not only do I think we have this backwards, I think this belief prevents us from experiencing self love in a way that fits into our every day lives. Y’know, as human beings.

What if self marriage was just the beginning?

In today’s episode, Danette explores the concept of acting as your own matchmaker and leaping into a marriage to yourself – and why not being ready might be the perfect time to say I DO.


You Are The One You’ve Been Searching For

Have you been longing to hear the words “you complete me.”? You’re so much closer than you think. Got a mirror?

In today’s episode Danette talks about The List and asks some awkward questions you might want to consider when dreaming up your ideal partner. She calls out the not-so-sexy kind of Netflix and Chill, and identifies two key thoughts that might be getting in the way of finding the love you want – whether you are single and dating or coupled and yawning.

Don’t leave the ice cream parlour quietly unsatisfied.

And by ice cream parlour, she means boom-chicka-boom.


Focus on Yourself. Focus on Your Future

You might feel self-conscious about being too focused on yourself, when actually you haven’t been focused enough. If you’re lucky, a snow bank will help you realize where you’ve gone astray.

Come back.

In this episode, Danette explores the two-part self love practice that has been a game changer for her : Focusing on what you want and where you want to go. Sounds simple, right? How often do you really make choices from this place? How often do you obsess over what other people are doing, saying or going?

If you are having a hard time letting go of an ex, if you are sucked into comparing yourself with others, and especially if you don’t want to drive head first into a snow bank – this one is for you.


Your Year of NO

Shonda Rhimes wrote an inspiring memoir about her Year of Yes – but what about those of you who have had too many Years of Yes?

What if what you really need is a year of NO?

Step aside Shonda, and enter Erika!

Danette shares a fantastic self-love practice created by a fantastic woman from her Radical Vows self-marriage coaching group years ago.

Do you feel like you need a “good reason” to say NO? Do you struggle with making time for YOU?

This episode will give you a creative way to begin saying NO to all the things in the way of your most important YES’s.


(ON BOUNDARIES) Stay in Your Own Lane

If life is a freeway, which one would you rather ride – the one where the cars follow the rules and move effectively or the “swervy-derby” where everybody is trying to overcompensate and read your mind?

When does being nice get in the way?

In the first of likely many episodes about BOUNDARIES, Danette discusses what happens when we don’t pay attention to our own.


Singing in the Mirror: a Self Love Practice

This is more than a hairbrush and a dream.

How many of us rocked out in the mirror channeling our most beloved rock stars when we were younger?

Or in the car, gripping the steering wheel singing unabashed love ballads to some unrequited crush?

Seemingly unrelated, how many of us roll our eyes and feel silly when someone insists that gosh darn it, daily affirmations are soooo important? Ugh. Do you HAVE TO?

In today’s episode, Danette explores the delightful freedom of music as a powerful way to pump up your self-love jam.


The 7 Houses of Heartbreak

How broken is your heart?

Can you still have a broken heart from a breakup that happened forever ago? Have you been living in sneaky Heartbreak House #6 without even realizing it?

Danette introduces her 7 Houses of Heartbreak framework for navigating the spaces we occupy as we move through the stages of a broken heart. Also, find out which performance by Diane Keaton beautifully demonstrates Heartbreak House #4.

You can download the 7 Houses of Heartbreak by signing up at


When is Personal Growth Work Selfish?

Is all this self-love stuff just you being an irresponsible navel gazer?

Is your lack of personal growth work getting in the way of other people’s dreams?

In this episode Danette shares her unpopular fitness goal to serve as yet another excellent metaphor for the importance of self-love from the inside out.

What Journaling Really Is + 3 Ways to Do it

Journal writing. One of the most powerful self love practices you could cultivate. Find out why the morning might be the very best time to do it – no matter when your morning begins.

In this episode Danette shares 3 of her favourite journal techniques:

One to help you find your way back to the page when you just don’t know where to start.

One to help you maximize your own beautiful brilliance from the past.

And one for when you want to journal – but without writing a single word.