It’s Not Easy Being Easy

What is your relationship with the word EASY?

Are you stopping yourself from the freedom that comes with ease?

In this episode, Danette shares lessons from rebellion against Catholic school uniforms, how her high school flirting tactics have evolved from shame avoidance to embraced superpowers, why you don’t want your massage therapist to work hard, and the perfect self love song for allowing more EASE into your life.

Your Own Best Frenemy

It’s not as simple as Mean Girls in the cafeteria. If you’ve had frenemies in real life, you know the strange sensation of home and harm intertwined. What if the worst things being said about you are coming from the inside?

Why should you bother noticing your self-talk? Who are you harming? What does it have to do with drag queens and world peace? Would you talk to your wife that way?

In this episode Danette shines a black light on the scorpions that are hanging around outside your tent – but don’t worry, it’s a good thing.

Leaning into Desire

What do you think of when you hear the word Desire?

Did you grow up thinking this was a bad word, or at least “unspiritual”? Do you allow yourself room to cultivate your desires? Danette explores why is it important to get to know your desires and pay attention to them even before our body is ready to get on board.

If Desire seems far away right now, what might happen if you just leaned into it?

This one is plump with personal stories, which include confession booths, the Aural Behemoth, what it’s like to play catch with Danette, how feeling awkward at a music festival lead her to a fantastic friendship and more.

Heartbreak House Seven: Surrender

The series exploring each of the 7 Houses of Heartbreak comes to a close with the final Heartbreak House Seven: Surrender

Do broken hearts heal stronger than they were before? How do you know when your breakup healing is done? Do you have to be perfectly healed? Where do you keep your toothbrush?

In this episode, Danette loosens the grip on perfectionism, plays doctor and embraces showing up as you are.

Heartbreak House Six: Surging + Staging

The series exploring each of the 7 Houses of Heartbreak continues with Heartbreak House Six: Surging + Staging.

This house is where you finally get to breathe after a LOT of messy, deep heartbreak recovery. The emergencies are over and you can chill on the porch. It’s comfy in many ways – so much so that one could just move in forever. But don’t lose sight! There is one more wonderful house on the horizon – what can you do to grow into it?

Also – what goes good with everything? One of them you can find at Trader Joe’s – the other is already in you. You can’t ever have too much.

Anniversary Special! Gratitude, Celebration + Hoarding Your Gifts

We interrupt our series on the 7 Houses of Heartbreak to bring you this: the Soft Shoulder is a whole year old! Danette celebrated 18 years of self marriage! The Raptors won the NBA finals! There is much to celebrate and be grateful for.

In this episode, Danette talks about healing, receiving, how to navigate a vulnerable share, and spills the beans on her neglectful relationship with gift certificates. What is the coach-y question that can turn all the lights on? Listen and find out.

Heartbreak House Five: Self Takes the Wheel

In this series exploring each of the 7 Houses of Heartbreak, Danette introduces Heartbreak House Five: Self Takes the Wheel.

This is everyone’s favourite House of Heartbreak – the one with the breakup haircut. The one where you quit your job, sign up for axe throwing and ask big questions like, what pattern am I ready to break? Creative urges boom and even though things are still a little chaotic, it’s time to celebrate your courage and resilience.

This is the sense of empowerment in the midst of a storm.

Heartbreak House Four: Sob, Stitch + Sling

In this series exploring each of the 7 Houses of Heartbreak, Danette introduces Heartbreak House Four: Sob, Stitch + Sling.

This house is all the crying, the mending, the mud slinging and bad behavior. It’s throwing their belongings over the balcony. Bawling in public. Embracing the mess and making space for things to get as big as they need to. For many of us this house is uncomfortable – because it is uncontrolled.

Listen in for Danette’s best advice when in House Four – so you can sob, stitch and sling in a way your future self will thank you for.

Heartbreak House Three: Surfacing + Story

So what the hell happened?

Have you ever asked yourself this about a relationship that ended?

When did the end begin?

In this series exploring each of the 7 Houses of Heartbreak, Danette introduces Heartbreak House Three: Surfacing + Story.

This house is about allowing the multiple truths to come into light, at their own pace.

How do you make sense of it all?

Listen in for lots of compassion, and a journal prompt that will help you harvest your heartbreak story.

Heartbreak House Two: Seeking Sanctuary

Seeking Sanctuary is something we might do at any time – not just when we are heartbroken. And, you might be going through the 7 Houses of Heartbreak for something other than a romantic breakup! Your heart has more nuanced settings than “broken” or “healed”. There are spaces we occupy as we move through the fascinating and beneficial experience of heartbreak recovery.

In this series exploring each of the 7 Houses of Heartbreak, Danette introduces Heartbreak House Two: Seeking Sanctuary. This is about the conditions we are in, and making space for healing. Are we supported by our conditions, or hindered by them?

Can you ask for the kind of support you need?

Is it ever about the cd’s?

What on earth is she doing with that box?

These questions answered and more.