January Breakups and the Spark of Self Love

Why you might be breaking up right now, and how you can use language to soften the blow. Also – how do you flirt with self love from across the room?

Get your new favourite breakup book here: www,crashbloom.com

Get Letters from Danette: https://www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/contact/

Aerial view of white headphones encircling a latte with a milk foam heart with the lettering "The Soft Shoulder with Danette Relic"

Being All In

If you’re looking for a phrase for 2025, this might be it. In this episode, Danette explores why people still seem to want to get married, what running from an imaginary bee can teach us about commitment, and invites you to consider what might be possible if you stopped casually dating yourself.

Get the book: www.crashbloom.com

Get Letters from Danette: http://www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/contact

Your Heart in the In-Between

When you’re not a total mess, but also not quite okay, it can be unsettling to find ourselves swimming in uncertainty when our broken heart begins to heal. It doesn’t mean you’re not doing it right. There is no correct “speed” for moving forward. Listen if you’ve been healing from a loss and moving forward doesn’t feel as grounding as you thought it “should”.

First Withouts

Twinkle lights, gingerbread and…dread? The holiday season can be complicated for those of us who are approaching the first Christmas without a loved one – by death or by breakup. When we share our lives so closely with someone, it can be startling to imagine special days of the year without them. How do you love yourself through these times where grief might be amplified?

Get the book: www.crashbloom.com

Get Letters from Danette: http://www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/contact

Déjà-Ha Moments

Do you ever have a personal epiphany more than once? It might be tempting to feel like you failed to hear it the first time. But what if it was by design? What if there are some “aha!” moments that require time to release, like a vitamin? Listen to this episode if you are judging yourself for not yet making the changes you know you need to make.

Get the book: www.crashbloom.com

Get Letters from Danette: http://www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/contact

Grief Tending

After an unplanned pause, Danette returns to the Soft Shoulder with reflections on what it means to tend to your grief in a self loving way, the importance of language in this process and the tenderness of loss.

Get the book: www.crashbloom.com

Get Letters from Danette: http://www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/contact

Getting Yourself Out of the Fog

No music? No problem! Danette embraces imperfection by recording this personal message for you while cooking pasta in her kitchen. If you are in a fog and having a hard time finding your way out, listen in. May this episode be a tiny flashlight helping you move closer to your own light.

Get the book: www.crashbloom.com

Get on the waitlist for The Art of Self Marriage: https://www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/self-marriage

Join Self Love Colouring Club: www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/colour

Danette is not on social media – all the love + good news is in the emails. Sign up here: www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/contact

Your Relationship Status is Not Your Value

Hey Hey Paula! You’re an awesome human deserving of love, romance and respect no matter what. This podcast is to help you reflect on what you want from relationships, while kindly inquiring where you got that desire from in the first place. What changes when you make yourself your primary partner? Are you a rebel when it comes to love?

Get the book: www.crashbloom.com

Join Self Love Colouring Club: www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/colour

Danette is not on social media – all the love + good news is in the emails. Sign up here: www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/contact

3 Ways Self Marriage Helped Me Heal from Breakups

After over 20 years of self marriage, Danette can tell you how deciding to be in a conscious, committed relationship with herself helped her move through breakups and become more of herself in the process.

Get the book: www.crashbloom.com

Join Self Love Colouring Club: www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/colour

Danette is not on social media – all the love + good news is in the emails. Sign up here: www.radicalcreativesanctuary.com/contact